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Quam ob rem id primum videamus, si placet, quatenus amor in amicitia progredi debeat. Numne, si Coriolanus habuit amicos, ferre contra patriam arma illi cum Coriolano debuerunt? num Vecellinum amici regnum adpetentem, num Maelium debuerunt iuvare?
Adolescebat autem obstinatum propositum erga haec et similia multa scrutanda, stimulos admovente regina, quae abrupte mariti fortunas trudebat in exitium praeceps, cum eum potius lenitate feminea ad veritatis humanitatisque viam reducere utilia suadendo deberet, ut in Gordianorum actibus factitasse Maximini truculenti illius imperatoris rettulimus coniugem.
Present your Mots dits Mots lus event!
Examples of 2018 Mots dits Mots lus events
“Poetry reading by poets with the participation of locals. Music, Songs, and Painting… The Poetic Villabéenne.”
“This year, we made puppets so we can tell the stories we like with them. After a little show, come and read with us, discover tales from around the world! It is organised by the APES, a charity preventing school failure, of Saint-Michel-Sur-Orge.”
“Let’s meet at the French Institute’s library in Alger on the 30th June 2018. In the garden of the Institute, allow yourself to be carried away by the magic of words while reading out loud your favourite books. The members of our reading club will join us, as it is the crime novel week! Everyone is welcome! French Institute of Alger.”
(pour vous reconnaître en tant que lecteur.rice.s…) le sticker Mots dits Mots lus collé sur votre poitrine, et d’autres accessoires plus personnels au gré de votre fantaisie si vous le désirez ! un chapeau rouge, une écharpe orange, un bonnet bleu… Amusez-vous !...
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