What is Mots dits Mots lus ?
Mots dits Mots lus is the universal read aloud day !
It is a cultural, participative, inclusive and free event, for everyone and everywhere !
The 4th annual Mots dits Mots lus will be on the 29th of June 2019 !
On this day, Mots dits Mots lus celebrates the read aloud practice !
If reading aloud is a poetic act, it is also a great way to make people enjoy reading.
Reading aloud is part of Popular Education’s heritage. It is accessible to everyone and it gives importance to feelings. Reading aloud is also something that helps emancipate people, it is a great means of empowerment.
Mots dits Mots lus is for anyone who wants to read aloud or listen to readers !
> There is no condition to be a reader: you can be a professional or an amateur, a private individual or part of a reading club. It is open to anyone! You can also organise an event at your workplace: libraries, bookshops, social centres, retirement home, train stations, hospitals etc. As long as you want to share your love of reading aloud, you are welcome !
> Mots dits Mots lus is for anyone who wants go to a reading and listen the words of others !
Do you want to participate in Mots dits Mots lus as a reader? Do you want to organise a reading at your work place, with your organisation ?
That’s easy and free !
Click on the “Interested ? Get Involved” page of the website. There, you will be able to register your event ! You can describe it and specify who will read aloud, what are the texts that will be read, where it will take place, etc.
Once your event is registered, it will be displayed on the website’s interactive map, with the other events that already have been registered. Mots dits Mots lus’ team will also promote your event on the social networks !
If you are in France, you will receive a little communication kit. If not, no worries, you can still download this kit on the Communication Kit page of the website !
Preambles all year round !
Mots dits Mots lus is always on a Saturday, which is not easy for schools or day care centres who want to organise their own event. Because it is important for us that everybody can participate, we decided to create the Preambles. Contrary to Mots dits Mots lus events, Preambles can be registered at any time of the year, as long as the reading is made for and/or by children.
>Can you read? If you can, register your reading on the website whenever you want !
>If you need somebody to help you read (language disorders, disability, etc.), shared reading can also be registered on the website at any moment.
>What about your little ones ? We did not forget them! An adult can register an event where they read to young children on the website !