Create 27 juin 2020

Interested? Get involved

You want to participate in Mots dits Mots lus 2020 on the 27th of June? It’s easy! Tell us about your reading by filling out this registration form.  

  • What is(are) the text(s) that will be read out loud?
  • What is(are) the name of the reader(s)
  • Time and place of the reading

Thanks to your information, we will be able to accept and to promote your Mots dits Mots lus event on social networks and on the interactive map on our website! If you are in France, we will send you a little communication kit, otherwise, you can still download it on the website, on the Communication page!

If you have a place, but no reader or if you are a reader but you have nowhere to read: contact us at

Ne peuvent se revendiquer participants à Mots Dits Mots Lus, tout rendez-vous de lectures tenant de propos diffamatoires ou insultants, se rapportant à la provocation, à la discrimination, à la haine ou à la violence, la diffamation et l'injure à raison de l'origine ou de l'appartenance raciale, ethnique, nationale ou religieuse, du sexe, de l’orientation sexuelle ou du handicap d’un individu, des textes faisant l'apologie des crimes de guerre, des crimes contre l'humanité ou des crimes et délits de collaboration avec l'ennemi, l’apologie du terrorisme, incitation à des actes terroristes, prosélytisme et pédophilie. En acceptant cette charte éthique, vous respectez les lois en vigueur.
Votre événement

Present your Mots dits Mots lus event!

How was(were) the text(s) chosen? Who is it for?
Where will the event take place? Why this place? Who will read?
Will you organise a friendly meal to bring to a close the event?

Examples of 2018 Mots dits Mots lus events

“Poetry reading by poets with the participation of locals. Music, Songs, and Painting… The Poetic Villabéenne.”

“This year, we made puppets so we can tell the stories we like with them. After a little show, come and read with us, discover tales from around the world! It is organised by the APES, a charity preventing school failure, of Saint-Michel-Sur-Orge.”

“Let’s meet at the French Institute’s library in Alger on the 30th June 2018. In the garden of the Institute, allow yourself to be carried away by the magic of words while reading out loud your favourite books. The members of our reading club will join us, as it is the crime novel week! Everyone is welcome! French Institute of Alger.”

Lieu, horaire et coordonnées
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Enter an address / location / Google map URL in the textfield or you can also click on the map to set a marker

Si vous ne trouvez pas votre adresse dans le champ de géolocalisation, écrivez là ici (ou la latitude et longitude si vous les connaissez). Nous nous chargerons du reste. Merci

Informations personnelles
Adresse personnelle
La (les) lecture(s)

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