What is Mots dits Mots lus ?
What is it ?
Mots dits Mots lus (Words Sopken Sopken Out Loud) is a day of Read-Aloud available for everyone and everywhere. It is a cultural, annual , participative, supportive and free event. His third edition starts on Saturday, 30th June 2018 !
What does it consist of ?
Mots dits Mots lus celebrates the practice of Reading Aloud.
His sidereal force is to reach and unite all audiences without any forms of discrimination regarding age, gender, language, origin and social background. It is an event which gathers all skills and desires around reading aloud.
It is a great vector of transmission of such common heritage, an occasion to hear and be heard on cultural differences and diversities beyond all frontiers and to extract its richness. A moment of sharing and meeting, the pleasure of a language read in an unformatted spirit, which can take place on the street, in its living-room, its garden, at the theater, in school ...
What is Reading Aloud ?
Mots dits Mots lus conceives and approaches Reading aloud as an artistic practice in its own right, which is not a reading of an in-between, half silent or half played, but indeed a poetic act totally assumed.
It is a practice that is part of the heritage of popular education, accessible to the greatest number, and which gives a great place to emotion.
Who is Mots dits Mots lus for ?
To amateur or professional readers who wish to read texts in private places as well as in public places. And to the numerous associations, book professionals (authors, booksellers, publishers, etc.), festivals, organizations or collective spaces (media libraries, neighborhood houses, retirement homes, hospitals, train stations, airports, etc.) wishing to transmit and share the pleasure of reading aloud. You are most welcome !
And to listeners and viewers wishing to seize the day to delight themselves , you will be able to compose your own "a la carte" menu of readings aloud wherever they wish, in or out .
How does it work ?
Do you want to participate in "Mots dits Mots lus" as a reader ? Easy peasy.
Reader and / or organization, choose the text you want to read then, click on "Get Involved": you can then develop the content of your reading, specify to which audience it is addressed, its lenght, in what language it will be read, where it will take place, why did
you choose it ...
The event that you have created is listed for free on an interactive map gathering all programmed readings.
Each word is then played on social networks, and to facilitate distribution, you will even receive directly to your home * a communication kit also available for all, downloadable here.
2018 at 12am.